The Wisconsin Law Enforcement Canine Handler Association (WLECHA) is offering a K9 grant to be awarded to a Wisconsin Law Enforcement Agency who currently has or is forming a K9 Unit. The awarded agency is required to purchase a K9 from a vendor of their choice within 12 months of being awarded the grant. The awarded agency/vendor will furnish the invoice to WLECHA for dispersion of funds up to $15,000 for payment of the K9. The awarded agency will be chosen by the WLECHA Annual K9 Grant Committee and will be announced at the annual WLECHA conference in October. Applications will be accepted from January 1st – August 15th.
Requirements to Apply:
Must be a law enforcement agency in the State of Wisconsin
The applying law enforcement agency must not be represented on the Board of Directors of WLECHA at the time of submission
Intention of purchasing a K9 within 12 months from October of current year of application
Application Process:
Submit on department letter head explaining the reasons your agency is the worthiest of the grant to include the following:
Description of agency
Type of K9 that will be purchased (narcotic, dual purpose, bomb, etc.)
Function the K9 will serve at agency
Reason the grant is needed by agency
Any other pertinent information that raises the agency above other applicants